

Éagóir 2 (Injustice 2)

True stories of the wrongly accused and the fight to clear their names.

Hard hitting legal documentary series ‘Éagóir’ returns with 6 more dramatic stories of injustice. Each episode tells the story of a shocking miscarriage of justice in Irish history - charting each victim's journey through conviction, punishment and redemption.

These personal journeys are supplemented by those close to the case – journalists, solicitors and neighbours all give expert testimony and personal perspective on how it happened, how it was put right and what it meant for the people involved. Be prepared for shock, surprise, and stirred up emotion as we put the spotlight on the systems that govern our society. This is a gripping series of human stories that tells what happens when justice isn’t served.

Mar aon leis na turais phearsanta, cuireann daoine a bhfuil cur amach acu ar an chás go mór leis an scéal – iriseoirí, dlíodóirí agus comharsana. Tugann siad saineolas agus dearcadh pearsanta ar conas a tharla an éagóir, conas a cuireadh ina ceart í agus cé chomh tábhachtach is a bhí sé dóibh sin a bhí bainteach. Tá iontas, geit agus mothúcháin romhat agus an spotsolas á chur againn ar na córais a rialaíonn ár sochaí. Is sraith chumhachtach í seo de scéalta daonna a thugann le fios cad a tharlaíonn nuair a theipeann ar cheartas.


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