Duration: 25min 59secView details
Duration: 01min 15secView details
Duration: 29min 04secView details
Duration: 28min 47secView details
Duration: 1hr 13min 24secView details
Duration: 03min 24secView details
Duration: 01min 39secView details
Duration: 01min 46secView details
Duration: 1hr 22min 30secView details
Duration: 14min 56secView details
Duration: 13min 20secView details
Duration: 52min 24secView details
Heritage talks at Strand Arts Centre pop-up cinema
Work in progress by Jonathan Brennan
Hallowe'en, Poitín and...a black cat?
Two new learning resources with Into Film
Excerpts from the Series and Christmas Specials produced by DoubleBand for BBC Northern Ireland
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A learning resource created with Into Film
Unusual, interesting or spooky tales from Ulster's graveyards with Charlie Witherspoon
A 1960s forerunner of Lesser Spotted Ulster from UTV
Relive a golden age of football with the stars of the Irish League and the international team.
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