In this episode of Check it Out, Jacqui Berkeley and Ronan Kelly explore a variety of topics, including discount schemes, marmalade cooking, a new movie theatre and fitness.
Andrea Catherwood takes to the streets of Belfast to report on retail discount schemes and questions are they, "just too good to be true?". Hazel Scott [Belfast Consumer Advice Centre], gives her opinion, stating that you've "got to be very careful at what you are getting involved in." One takeaway is to read the fineprint of any offer and check the details.
Back in the studio, Rosemary Kennedy shows us how to make marmalade for the "busy woman" with a minimum fuss recipe which she has been using all her life.
The latest fashion fad is construction site chic and Roger Tredre (The Independent, In Clothes Shop) chats to Jacqui about what it is about the style that appeals to customers, "People want things a bit rougher, a feel of the streets".
John Kearns reports on the, seemingly, ever-expanding cinema market, focusing on the new Larne Cinema and the Movie House at Yorkgate.
Lastly, "battling the bulge for a fitter, healthier lifestyle' are three volunteers; Denis Fetherson, Susan Carlise and Sam Christie, each of whom have been taking part in a workout and diet plan, in an effort to shed the pounds.