Presenter Brian Black examines the potential impact of the International Fund for Ireland, through a series of interviews with local businessmen.
The International Ireland Fund is made up of £73 million from America, New Zealand and Canada with another £30 million from the European community. It hopes that funding enterprises that have job growth potential will help the stability of Northern Ireland and, ultimately, assist with the reconciliation of its divided community.
Paddy Hardy, from Newcastle, explains how the grant has allowed his horse-carriage ride business to be fully realised. Dan Braniff, from S.A.F.E. Mushrooms details how the company has grown due to this investment, with more jobs created and many more to come.
Hopeful recipients, Frank Murphy and Tom Campbell, show viewers around the Townsend Industrial Park and chat about how refurbishment and expansion in this company will generate job growth.
Not all are so positive. Frank Gaffikin, remains slightly dubious, questioning the allocation of aid from rich countries and the process of "trickle down" development. Alasdair McDonnell agrees, observing that the the areas hardest hit and economically deprived, weren't necessarily the ones that tended to be nvested in. However, he concedes that, in recent times, the targeting of the Ireland Fund has become better.
The American Consul, Robert Myers, discusses his satisfaction with the handling of the fund and that to be truly successful it must be awarded equally across both communities. Oliver Kearney, from Conway Enterprises, in West Belfast, elieves that the awards process is flawed, insisting that his company have been treated unfairly, with an assumption that funds awarded to them may pass into paramilitary hands .
Finally, Charles Brett, the Chairman of the Ireland Fund board, explains how it is contingent on the UK, Northern Irish and Irish governments to raise any concerns they may have over the allocation of the monies.