Craigavon House

Craigavon House

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Craigavon House, East Belfast


circa 1918


circa 1918


01min 05sec




35mm, film

black and white


British Pathe


British Pathé

Rights Holder

British Pathé

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Panning shots showing the exterior of Craigavon House.
Craigavon House on the Circular Road, East Belfast, was designed by Irish architect Thomas Jackson for James Craig, father of Sir James Craig (Lord Craigavon), the first Prime Minister of Northern Ireland. The family became wealthy through the firm of Dunville & Co. Whiskey Distillers. Footage shows the original building and an extension that was added 10 years later that included a loggia and billiard room.
The Ulster Volunteer Force was formed at Craigavon House in September 1912, which later became the UVF headquarters. Sir Edward Carson announced the terms of the Ulster Covenant from its steps and it was the planning centre for gun-running in 1914.
In 1915, Craigavon House became a UVF hospital, treating sick and wounded soldiers from World War One and a hospital wing was added in 1917. It continued to treat ex-servicemen as the Somme Nursing Home.
Between 1991 and 1997, the building became the headquarters of the Somme Association and since 2001 is has been largely unoccupied, apart from being used as a location for films such as World War Z, Frankenstein and Mickey Bo & Me.

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