Fabulous Food Adventure: (Series 2/ Episode 3)




Churchtown Farm, Clandeboye Estate, Glastry, Portaferry, Portavogie, Strangford Lough




Production 18/03/2010


22min 32sec







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Department for Communities, Edge TV, ITV, Public Record Office of Northern Ireland

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Edge TV, ITV

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Celebrity chef, Jenny Bristow and former wold champion boxer, Barry McGuigan, present this programme where they travel across Northern Ireland to "forage and find delicious ingredients" to create a sumptuous feast for a group of guests. 

This episode is set in Co. Down, with the Clandeboye Estate being the base for tonights party. First on todays journey is Portavogie with Bristow and McGuigan travelling across Strangford Lough on the ferry. Here, they meet local fisherman, Adrian Coffey, who chats about the current struggles of the fishing industry and what the many benefits fish add to our diet. Back at the Clandeboye Estate, Brian Boggs gives Jenny and Barry a taste of the new Clandeboye Estate yoghurt, which was the first yoghurt to be produced in Northern Ireland and goes from farm to shop floors within 24 hours. 

Dale Orr from Churchtown Farm, then introduces us to his flock of lambs, which are all organically raised, with clover being used to help the grass grow instead of other chemicals, this makes the taste of the meat better and richer in nutrients. Lastly, Will Taylor (Glastry Ice Cream) gives Jenny and Barry some of his local ice cream to take back for guests which uses flavours that "consumers here in Northern Ireland can recognise". 

With only a few short hours before guests arrive, Jenny and Barry get to work in the kitchen making plenty of delicious dishes and once the party begins, guests are treated to a performance from the African Children's Choir!


Edge TV for UTV.



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