Fabulous Food Adventure: (Series 2/ Episode 4)




Colebrooke Park, Corleggy Goats Cheese, Lough Erne, Manor House Hotel




Production 18/03/2010


22min 35sec







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Department for Communities, Edge TV, ITV, Public Record Office of Northern Ireland

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Edge TV, ITV

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Celebrity chef, Jenny Bristow and former wold champion boxer, Barry McGuigan, present this programme where they travel across Northern Ireland to "forage and find delicious ingredients" to create a sumptuous feast for a group of guests. 

This episode is set in Co. Fermanagh, with the Manor House Hotel, located on the shores of Lough Erne, as the base for tonights party. First up, is a trip to see Joe Greene and his bees, he explains the current issues with disease and the types of plants bees feed on, before the ultimate honey taste test!

Moving onto more savoury treats, Jenny and Barry visit Silke Croppe of Corleggy Goats Cheese, to find out what the secret is to her popular cheeses - hint it's to do with pasteurisation ....or the lack of it! Next up, it's a road trip to Brookeborugh, or more specifically, the Colebrooke Park Estate to meet Lord Brookeborough, or as he allows Barry to call him, Alan! Here, they embark across the estate in a trusty Land-Rover to spot some deer, a key ingredient for tonights main dish.

Back to the Manor House and Jenny and Barry are cooking up a storm in the kitchen, with a mouthwatering plum cake getting baked. Soon though, the guests of the evening, Fermanagh Friends of Hospice, embark the boat and the night begins! 


Edge TV for UTV



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