Ireland On The Map

Ireland On The Map

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Aldergrove, Aldergrove Airport




Production 01/11/2021


02min 57sec





black and white, colour


Reimagine Remake Replay


Holly Fusco, Northern Ireland Screen

Rights Holder

Channel 4, ITV

It is illegal to download, copy, print or otherwise utilise in any other form this material, without written consent from the copyright holder.


“Ireland on the Map celebrates our history of cinema and how we have proudly welcomed many stars to our country. As a training actor I have a particular interest in theatre and Northern Ireland’s growing film industry, I wanted to show where we started in the hopes of highlighting the progress we have made and to look at the potential for the future. We may be a small spec on the map but we have a passion for theatre, cinema and all things creative.” Text by Holly Fusco


Over a 5 week programme, a group of participants delved deep into the riches of Ulster Museum’s collection and Northern Ireland Screen’s Digital Film Archive exploring them through the medium of creative writing. Amy McCloy, Holly Fusco, Natalie Cole and Ryan McAllister created new cine-poetry using the Digital Film Archive and digital skills taught by RRR's Digital Engagement Officer Stephen O'Hagan. 


Reimagine, Remake, Replay aims to connect young people and heritage through meaningful ways through creative media and the latest technologies whilst delving into museums collections in new ways. The Reimagine, Remake, Replay programme is led by a consortium including Nerve Centre, National Museums Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland Museums Council and Northern Ireland Screen, and is funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund’s Kick the Dust programme.


Edited and narrated by Holly Fusco

Archive footage:

A Seat Among the Stars episode 5 copyright ITV and Channel 4 

Ella Fitzgerald in Belfast copyright ITV



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