Land of Lore – Tales from Ireland’s Border Counties: The Blacksmith & the Anvil









08min 00sec







Colleen Savage


Bluebell Lane, Colleen Savage

Rights Holder

Bluebell Lane, Colleen Savage

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The Story of Willie the Blacksmith is a charming and detailed narrative told by storyteller Christine Aiken, recounting the life and legacy of William Moore, affectionately known as Willie the Blacksmith. Born near Pomeroy, Tyrone, Willie was immersed in the craft of blacksmithing from a young age, learning the family trade from his grandfather at the forge in Gortavoy Bridge. His deep connection to the profession began at the age of 10, and he continued to forge horseshoes and tools well into his eighties.

Willie acquired his first anvil in 1935 at an auction in Poyntzpass. The then 17-year-old Willie outbid others and secured the coveted anvil. It marked a pivotal moment in his career. Despite his modest financial means, Willie’s determination and passion for his craft led him to become an esteemed figure in his community, with his work extending beyond horseshoes to include custom items such as town tongs shipped as far as New York City.

Throughout his life, Willie’s skills were not only recognized for their technical mastery but also for the pride and joy he took in his work. His mantra – “hard work, good health, and happiness" – was central to his longevity and his positive influence on those around him.

This narrative, filled with warmth and humor, preserves the history of a remarkable man whose legacy endures through the anvil he once cherished and the generations who carry on his traditions.


Land of Lore - Tales from Ireland's Border Counties

Special Thanks - Storytellers of Ireland; International Fund for Ireland; Armstrong Storytelling Trust; The Duncairn

Executive Producer - Colleen Savage

Producer, Editor & Sound - Rachel Cullen

Director - Dee Giffen

Camera - Conor Kennedy

Camera - Vincent Kinnaird

Storytellers - Christine Aiken; Pádraig Carragher; Daniel Downey; Steve Lally; Sinéad McAleavey: Francis McCarron; Emily McGardle; Caterine McGuinness; Sarah McKenna Dunne; Ger O'Loughlin; Nuala O'Toole

Storytellers of Ireland; Armstrong Storytelling Trust; International Fund for Ireland

The Duncairn 


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