Lesser Spotted Ulster Series 11 Episode 9: Sixmilecross

Lesser Spotted Ulster Series 11 Episode 9: Sixmilecross

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Production 08/12/2009


46min 38sec




Betacam SP



Digitised as part of the BFI Heritage 2022 project.


British Film Institute, ITV, UTV Archive

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Presenter Joe Mahon visits the village of Sixmilecross in County Tyrone and tells viewers how it got its name and the discrepancy between Irish miles and statute miles. He then talks of a famous ex-resident, the poet William Forbes Marshall, who was a local Presbyterian minister.

Joe meets Marion Moffit in the WF Marshall Centre. She talks of her life in the hotel business next door and how the Marshall Centre came into being as a Sewing Club before expanding into other arts and crafts. Joe reads some of the poetry of WF Marshall and visits his graveside. Seamus Shields takes Joe up into the hills to view some Dunlop homesteads, connected with John Dunlop who printed the American Declaration of Independence. Joe walks up through Bernish Glen and recites some of Marshall's poetry relating to it.

Joe visits the ruins of Dunmoyle House and the grave of John Ross, the last Lord Chancellor of Ireland. Joe talks to a group of elderly men about the area's association with handball then Sean Clarke shows him round a nearby modern court where he plays a game. Peter Campbell shows Joe his farm with donkeys and llamas on it. Dr Patrick Waterfield shows Joe around the nearby Flax Mill Centre which is heated by underground heat from the bog beside it.


An Ulster Television Production.

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