Lesser Spotted Ulster Series 13 Episode 6: Virginia Part 2

Lesser Spotted Ulster Series 13 Episode 6: Virginia Part 2

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Production 22/11/2011


46min 51sec




Betacam SP



Digitised as part of the BFI Heritage 2022 project.


British Film Institute, ITV, UTV Archive

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Presenter Joe Mahon continues his look at the town of Virginia and its surrouding area in County Cavan. He returns to the Viriginia Agricultural Show to see the last minute preparations for its opening. Patrick Gaynor shows Joe the grooming of cows at his farm for show in competition. Dennis O'Neill is a professional cow groomer and talks about how he got into his trade.

Joe travels to Woodwards Island on Lough Ramor and tells some tales of its history. Gerry Hopkins then shows him a local mink on the shoreline. Terry Dunne shows Joe the horse he is entering in the show being groomed by Valerie Trotter. Tony Reuter shows Joe inside the Ramor Theatre which was converted from an old church when it closed. He tells him of his family connection to it dating back to when his father was secretary and his son a priest and of his days cycling the area the area as a postman.

John O'Reilly tells Joe how the agricultural society paid for the building of the local school in the grounds of which the show is held. Michael McPhilips and Brian McAdam share their experience of years of judging poultry competitions at the show. Joe also returns to see how he fared in the wellington boot decoration competition.


An Ulster Television Production.

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