Lesser Spotted Ulster Series 14 Episode 11: Ramelton

Lesser Spotted Ulster Series 14 Episode 11: Ramelton

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Production 15/10/2012


22min 18sec




Betacam SP



Digitised as part of the BFI Heritage 2022 project.


British Film Institute, ITV, UTV Archive

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Joe visits the town of Ramelton in County Donegal. After telling of its Plantation-era history beside the ruins of its Reformation Church Joe meets Mary Haggan as they look down over Lough Swilly and Horse Island, discussing its monastic past. Joe Birney talks about Ramelton's historic buildings when it was a bustling centre of trade showing him the Fish House. They also look at the old bottling plant and discuss how the town has been used as locations for period dramas such as The Hanging Gale.

Joe visits the ruins of Killydonnell Friary and talks of local legends. He discusses the town's long history with religious buildings and then visits the birthplace of Dave Gallaher who emigrated to New Zealand and became the first captain of the All Blacks rugby team. Kevin Shields discusses Gallaher with Joe and shows him a miniature bronze replica of his statue.

Dave Kenny is an expert on the local folklore of the area and beside the River Leannan he tells Joe of legends connected with Saint Columba. He also shows Joe a local fertility tree where an ancient tree has grown partially around a large boulder. Dominic McDaid and Cronan O'Donnell invite Joe to see their pillar wood carving which is being created to celebrate the town's history and culture.


An Ulster Television Production.

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