Let Us Be Seen









1hr 22min 30sec







Elspeth Vischer


Elspeth Vischer, Vish Films NI

Rights Holder

Elspeth Vischer, Vish Films NI

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This film, directed by Elspeth Vischer, is a documentary about grassroots feminism in Belfast, featuring activists, artists and educators from the North of Ireland. 

This is a film that showcases the punk alternative to sectarian politics of old. Let Us Be Seen is a rally cry demanding that people in Belfast who campaign tirelessly for change are finally seen and heard. It is a splash of colour, showcasing the creative ways individuals provide an alternative to the binary politics in Belfast, deploying a unique local blend of gallows humour in the face of adversity. Let Us Be Seen documents the prelude and aftermath of the momentous law change in Northern Ireland to decriminalise abortion and legalise same-sex marriage, which occurred via Westminster ruling on 21st October 2019. 

It is a film that deals with the myriad issues affecting feminists in the North of Ireland and what grassroots feminism means in this context from those who are directly involved.


Dedicated to the many other activists, artists and edcucators who could not be featured but whose tireless work is noticed and appreciated.

Directed by Elspeth Vischer

Camera: Leah Morris-Nelson; Elspeth Vischer

Live Sound: Robbie O'Neill; Ryan O'Neill; Katie Richardson

Editing: Elspeth Vischer

Advised by Ruairí McCann

Additional Editing Consultants: Sian Barber; Cahal McLaughlin; Ryan O'Neill; Jonathan Vischer

Audio Mixing: Sam McCann

Original Musical Score: Katie Richardson

Mastering: Joel Harkin

Additional Sound Assistance: George Sloan

Special thanks to all participants featured and the following organisations:

Accidental Theatre; Alliance for Choice, Belfast; Another World Belfast; Arts for All; Belfast Cleaning Co-Operative; Gender Jam NI; Gxrl Code Belfast; HERe NI; Homeless Period, Belfast; LGBT History NI, Oh Yeah Music Centre; Outburst Queer Arts Festival; Rape Crisis NI; Reclaim the Agenda; STEP; The 343; Three's Theatre Company; Us Folk Studio; Women's Tec

Special thanks to the following individuals for their help and support in this production:

Sian Barber; Glenn Gallagher; Paula Johnston; Ruairí McCann; Cahal McLaughlin; Ryan O'Neill; Aidan Vischer; Dolores Vischer; Jonathan Vischer

Featured live musical performances and music videos with kind permission of the artists:

Sister Ghost - Shannon D. O'Neill, Maeve Mulholland, Stevie Lennox, Rory Dee

Problem Patterns - Alanah Smith, Ciara King, Beverly Boal Ferguson, Bethany Crooks

Gender Chores - Sam McCann, AJ Mawhinney, Sophie Price

Dena Anuk$a

Strange New Places - Ash Jones, Caleb Roberts, Rory A. Jones, Michael Smith, Rain Watt

Featured original illustrations and designs with kind permission of the artists: 

Jacky Sheridan; Fiona McDonnell; Elly Makem

Let Us Be Seen title font, poster design and associated artwork:

Elly Makem

This film was funded and supported by:

Vish Films NI; Queen's University Belfast; Rosa Luxemburg Foundation*; Future Screens NI

*with funds of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development of the Federal Republic of Germany/the German Federal Foreign Office

A Vish Films NI Production

© 2022 all rights reserved 




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