This series for school leavers focuses on the Youth Training Programme and what it offers young people in need of work experience and opportunities.
Participant Frankie describes the confidence and sense of personal development she has attained through a drama course and the encouragement of her tutors. The viewer then gets a glimpse into Frankie’s current project which takes us to the streets of Newry, entertaining children.
Anthony, another young person on the scheme, did not get a job after the year finished on the course, however, the Y.T.P. got him onto the 'Young Help' scheme. Here, he works in a care home, a role he finds incredibly rewarding. He has also managed to get a professional qualification through the Open University.
As Gerard points out, it's difficult to get a job without experience which, vitally, is something that the YTP scheme can provide. The Londonderry Youth and Training workshop helps train people in computer and clerical skills, as applicable to an office environment.