After they say 'hello', Nóra uses a song and dance on the theme of sisters and brothers to help Naoise remember which is which. When Ruairí pretends to be grand-dad, the others have to guess who he is. They all play with a puppet family that Nóra finds in their toybox.
The magic bubble machine lets them meet Lara who introduces her family - Mammy, Daddy and her two little sisters.
Na Dódaí act out the story of The Three Bears before Nóra reads a funny story about what happened when Granny and Grandad bear came on a visit. After the story, Naoise wants to visit Granny and Grandad Bear and they 'drive' to their house in their invisible car, playing 'I spy' and singing songs about their relatives as they go. Then it is time for na Dódaí to say goodbye to their friends.
Tugann Nóra faoi amhrán agus damhsa a bhaineann le deartháireacha agus deirfiúracha chun an difear eatarthu a theagasc do Naoise. Téann siad a shúgradh le teaghlach puipéad, teaghlach a d’aimsigh Nóra sa bhosca bréagán.