Gemma and Bryonie Reid are Quarto Collective. Their decade-long collaboration aims to create stronger connections across social, cultural and political barriers. This film focus on the complex challenges faced by upland communities in Northern Ireland. Rooted in visual art, heritage, and cultural geography, the Reids explore the historical impoverishment of uplands communities, particularly in the Sperrins in this case, and their neglected status by urban centres.
For On the Up, Gemma and Bryonie drew on topics as diverse as the coronavirus pandemic and Brexit, and on rural livelihoods in tourism and farming. The Sperrins are highlighted for their rich but contested material resources, including gold, wind, peat, and spruce. The film also looks at the consequences of afforestation policies in the mid-20th century. On the Up examines current challenges, such as Brexit's impact and controversies surrounding wind, gold, and peat resources. This film presents a curated selection from Northern Ireland Screen's digital film archive, showcasing the region's landscapes and communities, while reflecting on issues of conservation, depopulation, and the changing cultural and natural dynamics of the uplands.