Simple Silage










14min 44sec




35mm, film

black and white



Richard Hayward Estate, the Northern Ireland Office., William MacQuitty

Rights Holder

Northern Ireland Office, Richard Hayward Estate, William MacQuitty

It is illegal to download, copy, print or otherwise utilise in any other form this material, without written consent from the copyright holder.


A government sponsored post-World War Two documentary to encourage farmers to make silage to feed their stock rather than importing grain.


Narrated by Richard Hayward. Hayward also employed some instrumental versions of local songs on the soundtrack. Simple Silage was the only film produced and funded by the Northern Ireland government during World War II. Two letters appeared in the Belfast Newsletter and Belfast Telegraph, sent in by 'Ulster First' and 'Agricola' respectively. Their tone and sentiment suggests that both may well have been written by Richard Hayward himself. The Newsletter correspondence notes that the film is, 'purely local and Ulster should be proud of a first-class job done by Ulster producers in our own Province'.

Shot List

00:36 General views of countryside. 00:49 Milk cans on back of truck. Cans being emptied and the milk being weighed. 01:15 General field farm views. Gathering hay mechanically for silage. 03:00 Horse and tractor. Various hay sheds and details of silos and the process involved in making silage. 08:37 Man making his own concrete blocks to construct a silo. 09:04 Ministry of Agriculture research staff in lab analysing silage. 09:54 Silage made from potatoes for pigs. 10:30 Demonstration by the Ministry of Agriculture of how to make silage. Feeding cattle. 12:45 Interior byre - cattle eating. 13:23 Beef cattle being inspected. 13:47 Bottled milk, butter production.


Production Company - UI Film Productions; Produced in co-operation with the Ministry of Agriculture, Government of Northern Ireland, Producer - William MacQuitty; Director and Narrator - Richard Hayward; Photography - Louis Morrision; Musical Background arranged by Richard Hayward from his own collection of Irish Ministrelsy.


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