Queen's College Sport
11min 17sec
1 inch
black and white
Digitised as part of the UTV Archive Partnership Project (ITV, Northern Ireland Screen and PRONI)
Department for Communities, ITV, Public Record Office of Northern Ireland
Sponsored by Dunlop Rubber Company
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Scenes of Belfast in the 1880s. Narrator speaks of the difficulty of riding bikes on the road. Images of John Boyd Dunlop [JBD] re-inventing the pneumatic tyre, and testing the invention. Scene of JBD’s son testing the invention on his bike. JBD signs the patent. Scenes of Walter Edlin and Co preparing bikes for the pneumatic tires at the request of William Hume [WH]. JBD and WH arriving at the One Mile bicycle race at Queen’s College Sports, Belfast 18th May 1889, to demonstrate the tires abilities in the race. WH wins the race using the tires. Images of Newspapers and famous cyclists names who are interested in the invention. Introduction of the Dunlop Tyres brand. Scenes of people cycling.
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