This is Christmas in Belfast City

This is Christmas in Belfast City

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Belfast, Belfast City Hall, City Hall




Production 01/11/2021


02min 28sec





black and white


Reimagine Remake Replay


Amy McCloy, Northern Ireland Screen

Rights Holder

Amy McCloy, ITV

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"The Echoes from the Archive programme allowed me to delve into Belfast’s history. The footage that I chose showing Belfast City Centre during Christmas in the 1960s was quite special to me. Watching the swarm of people in the city, the high street and Belfast’s Christmas tree was reminiscent of my own childhood growing up in Belfast. I like how that sense of busyness of the city has always been there. This programme has enabled me to connect more with home." Text by Amy McCloy


Over a 5 week programme, a group of participants delved deep into the riches of Ulster Museum’s collection and Northern Ireland Screen’s Digital Film Archive exploring them through the medium of creative writing. Amy McCloy, Holly Fusco, Natalie Cole and Ryan McAllister created new cine-poetry using the Digital Film Archive and digital skills taught by RRR's Digital Engagement Officer Stephen O'Hagan. 


Reimagine, Remake, Replay aims to connect young people and heritage through meaningful ways through creative media and the latest technologies whilst delving into museums collections in new ways. The Reimagine, Remake, Replay programme is led by a consortium including Nerve Centre, National Museums Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland Museums Council and Northern Ireland Screen, and is funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund’s Kick the Dust programme.


Written and edited by Amy McCloy

Archive footage copyright ITV 




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