Brian Black presents this documentary about the wildlife found in and about Belfast, with scenes showing how urban life mixes with nature.
Against city scenes - views of Albert Bridge and the Waterfront Hall - it is observed that many urban dwellers pass by without ever noticing the other inhabitants living peacefully alongside them. It was this idea that inspired Robert Scott (Education Officer, Belfast City Council) to write a book examining the intermingling of urban life and the natural world. As he notes, " the city of Belfast is rich in wildlife". Particularly numerous are the starling population who reside underneath Albert Bridge.
A little further out is the Harbour Industrial Estate, where Atlantic grey seals can be seen resting on the side of the lough. Also, the Bog Meadows Nature Reserve host a vibrant wildlife population, Annie O'Lane (Ulster Wildlife Trust) explains that the "real beauty of the project is that it was community led" and the site realises its potential through its ability to educate people, often by simply letting people walk in and come into contact with nature.
However, not all local wildlife is appreciated, with a clip showing a security guard chasing a fox out of Castle Court shopping centre!