2015 Irish Screen Studies Seminar

2015 Irish Screen Studies Seminar

Date: 01/05/2015 09:37

Irish Screen Studies is a forum for researchers in film, television and other media, with a focus on researchers who work in Ireland and for those who work on Irish themes. It provides information about research and job opportunities, an index of personal profiles of individual researchers, and links to items of interest. 

It is also the host of the annual Irish Screen Studies Seminar, this year to be held at Ulster University's York Street campus, on 07-08 May. The keynote speaker for 2015 will be Sean Cubitt, Professor of Film and Television, Goldsmiths, University of London. His lecture is entitled: “Nihilism, waste and a dialectics of hope”.

Further details on this year's event can be found by following the links below:

Programme of Events.
Register (for free) here. Includes details of how to get to ISSS 2015.
Twitter account for any updates @IrishScreenStud