Farewell to the Movie House
Date: 31/03/2020 15:17
Over recent days, our friends at The Thin Air have published a number of features looking at how the cultural world has been impacted by, and responded to, Covid-19. A recent piece by Conor Smyth muses on the hastened closure of The Movie House. It's a lovely, nostalgia-infused piece of writing and sure to stir readers' own memories of the Dublin Road landmark.
Further articles will continue to examine how the sector has been affected and and how we can continue to advocate for film and film institutions in these unprecedented times, to quote Conor, "at Lockdown Movie Lock-In we’re going to keep writing, about what’s moved to stream, what you need to catch up on now that you’ve the chance, and how you can keep watching and supporting worthwhile indie cinema, Irish and otherwise."
Read the full article here.