Securing the Past Through Partnership
Date: 22/06/2018 10:52
Now we’ve passed the longest day of the year and summer is
officially on its way out (hard to tell in NI, we know) let us help you prepare
for the inevitable drawing in of the nights with our brand new collection of
UTV archival footage! As part of a new agreement between the Digital Film Archive, ITV, and PRONI, we’re working to preserve and collect UTV’s archival material, dating back to the establishment of the channel some 59 years ago.
Working to preserve our screen heritage, we aim to make as wide a range of footage as possible accessible to the public – and don’t forget, we also make house calls! If you’re a member of a local history group, a conference organiser, or a film lover, feel free to get in touch and invite us to visit for a screening (popcorn not included).
As the Seamus Heaney Centre have noted, we’ve got precious footage of cultural giants like their eponymous poet and other notable versifiers…
We’ve got cooking tips from another time (no smashed avocado
Focus on local areas…
And of course, a wealth of coverage of local news through
the years – the good, the bad, and the uncanny…
So take a browse through our collections and, perhaps, a trip down memory lane. Who knows – you might even encounter yourself somewhere on the way!