Lesser Spotted Ulster Series 13 Episode 11: Kirkubbin

Lesser Spotted Ulster Series 13 Episode 11: Kirkubbin

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Production 11/10/2011


46min 37sec




Betacam SP



Digitised as part of the BFI Heritage 2022 project.


British Film Institute, ITV, UTV Archive

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Presenter Joe Mahon visits the village Kircubbin on the Ards Peninsula in County Down. He gives a brief overiew of its history and name while walking along the disused harbour and then visits Gilmore's pub. Here John Gerard Gilmore tells Joe about the pub's history when it also functioned as a general store. Joe shares stories of the area's smuggling past and then meets archeologist, Liam McQuillan, who tells him about the early settlements in the region. They visit a modern farmhouse and discover remains of buildings from the 1600s as well as a graveyard from the period out the back before inspecting a local church for a stone coffin lid from the 1200s. Brian Kelly and Liam Gilmore take Joe out onto Strangford Lough to bring in their catch of langoustine prawns. John Angus shows him his new wooden dragon class boat which is taking shape on the shoreline. Joe drops in on Sean Lynch, a local printer who also specialises in modelwork. He shows him the scale metal model of the Titanic which he has been working for several years for a local restaurant. William Steele shows Joe around his hi-tech rotary milking system on his farm but also demonstrates his ability to still milk cows by hand.


An Ulster Television Production.

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