Reprisals By Order

Reprisals By Order

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Co Cork, Midleton


circa 1921


circa 1921


02min 15sec




35mm, film, intertitles

black and white


British Pathe


British Pathé

Rights Holder

British Pathé

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Newsreel item showing an attack by the British Army on Irish citizen's houses for failing to inform on Irish rebels who killed three policemen. This is one of many examples of the notorious ´authorised reprisals´ by Black and Tans and Auxiliaries (probably not the regular army) in 1921. Best from 00:34. Houses in Midleton (east Cork) have been burned in reprisal for occupants refusing information about the murder of three policemen.

Shot List

'Midleton, Ireland. Reprisals By Order. 7 houses destroyed by Military Authorities for failing to report ambush in which three policemen were killed. Pathe Gazette.' General views of the damaged building and street scenes in Midleton including a military presence.


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