The U-Boats Come In

The U-Boats Come In

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28/05/1945 (of event)


03min 58sec




35mm, film, intertitles

black and white


British Movietone News


British Movietone News

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British Movietone News

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This newsreel looks at the surrender of German submarines throughout Britain. U-Boats on the River Foyle can be seen at 2:07-2:58.


When World War Two began, both Britain and Germany saw each others big ships as the main threat to her sea trade, It was intended that Germany's surface raiders would savage the merchant fleet on which Britain depended for much of her food, most of her raw material and all of her oil. Germany's U Boats were to operate in coastal waters, sweeping up anything left by the battleships. Both Britain and Germany were wrong, the real naval menace to Britain's survival was to be the U Boat. (Underseaboat)

Shot List

'The U-Boats Come In'. German submarines have been surrendering and are being brought into ports around the country. Once in port they are stripped of their armaments. A U-boat which had surrendered off Weymouth was brought up the Thames to the heart of London. General views of German submarine coming in under escort, approaches drifter off Weymouth. Ties up alongside. Polish sailors aboard U-boat, pan of deck shows German sailors on same. Several U-boats brought in at Loch Erriboll, Scotland. Subs de-militarised, torpedo detonators, ammunition, guns etc., thrown overboard. One German sailor forgets to let go, being pulled out of water. U-boat enters Gladstone Dock, Liverpool, crowds line the docks to watch same. More U-boats surrendered to Londonderry. Moving up the River Foyle, cut-in of sailors paraded on banks. Admiral Sir Max Horton, comes aboard one U-boat. Shots of U-boat approaching Tower Bridge seen in background. Passing under Tower Bridge. Approaching moorings at Westminster, flying White Ensign, crowds watch same, shots of Big Ben in background. Finish on shot of Houses of Parliament with Big Ben in the fore. Shot of Snorkel equipment. Source: British Universities Newsreel Project Database.


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