Buried Alive World Record Part 1

Buried Alive World Record Part 1

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Belfast, Mansfield




Production 09/10/1998


04min 42sec




Betacam SP



Digitised as part of the BFI Heritage 2022 project.


British Film Institute, ITV, UTV Archive

Rights Holder


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Chat show presenter Gerry Kelly welcomes viewers and explains that a man is trying to break a world record of 141 days for being entombed underground. Geoff Smith, a pub landlord from Mansfield, wants to add another nine days to the record. Gerry is able to speak to Geoff via a camera which has been set up in his underground chamber seven feet beneath the surface. He explains he is on the forty-second day and that the chamber is only two and a half feet wide and high and seven feet long. He also discusses how he is fed, breathes and goes to the toilet.

Geoff says that his mother was a previous holder of the record but when an American took the record away from her he set out to win it back. Geoff has a mini TV, CD player and a phone to entertain him on his long stint. Guinness had said that they wouldn’t recognise the record (in order to discourage people from endangering themselves) but that he was happy to do it anyway.


An Ulster Television Production.

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