Rathmullan 25: Ag fágáil Dhún na nGall



Donegal, Rathmullan




Production 23/02/2025


03min 06sec





black and white


Funded by Northern Ireland Screen's Digital Film Archive


Eve Li, ITV, Rathmullan Film Festival, UTV Archive

Rights Holder

Eve Li

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In the third year of the Rathmullan Film Challenge, amateur filmmakers were given 15 pieces of film from the UTV Archive and creative and editing training from Póca Productions. The task was to create a completely new piece, telling an original story – this year, as Gaelige.

“It was the boat that took me to the America and it was the boat that brought me back to Donegal.”
“An bád a thug go Meiriceá mé, agus an bád a thug ‘n a’ bhaile go Dún-na-nGall mé."

Eve Li has created a beautiful tribute to those who left Donegal and those who came back.

Eve says: On application for this challenge I had hoped to make a short film about Irish emigration and those who emigrated from Donegal (in particular from the Gaeltacht where I live). So, I was delighted that the archive footage we were given to work contained boats.  The film uses the story of local woman Hannah Nic Suibhne from Killult woven in with the archive footage of the boats used to transport Irish emigrants abroad in the past.

Agus mé ag cur isteach ar an dúshlán seo, bhí sé ar intinn agam gearrscannán a dhéanamh faoi imirce mhuintir na hÉireann agus iad siúd a d’imigh as Dún na nGall (go háirithe ón nGaeltacht, áit a bhfuil cónaí orm). Mar sin, bhí áthas orm go raibh báid mar chuid de na píosaí scannáin chartlainne a tugadh dúinn. Cuireann an scannán seo scéal Hannah Nic Suibhne as Cill Ulta i láthair, fite fuaite leis na píosaí scannáin chartlainne de na báid a bhí in úsáid chun imircigh Éireannacha a iompar thar lear san am a chuaigh thart. 


Established in 2017 and launched in 2018, the Rathmullan Film Festival is a volunteer-led, not-for-profit, participatory festival located in the seaside village of Rathmullan, Co. Donegal.


Writer/ Producer: Eve Li

Filmmaking Training: Póca Productions

Produced for Rathmullan Film Festival

With thanks to our judges this year: Bairbre Uí Chathail and James Jamison Mac Lochlainn



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