In the third year of the Rathmullan Film Challenge, amateur filmmakers were given 15 pieces of film from the UTV Archive and creative and editing training from Póca Productions. The task was to create a completely new piece, telling an original story – this year, as Gaelige.
Filmmaker Jessica Buchanan chose to look at the changing relationship between a child and his father.
Of the process of making the film, Jessica says:
It was extremely fulfilling to create a new story using this archive footage. I really enjoyed learning new skills and working with the old videos.
Bhí sé thar a bheith sásúil scéal nua a chruthú leis an bpíosa cartlainne seo. Bhain mé an-taitneamh as scileanna nua a fhoghlaim agus a bheith ag obair leis na seanfhíseáin.