In the third year of the Rathmullan Film Challenge, amateur filmmakers were given 15 pieces of film from the UTV Archive and creative and editing training from Póca Productions. The task was to create a completely new piece, telling an original story – this year, as Gaelige.
Pól Ó Gallachóir describes his entry, Tús Deireadh (Start End):
Life is a journey, a beginning and end for us all. Memory is your pilot on this journey.
Is turas í an saol, tús agus deireadh ann dúinn uilig. Is é d'chuimhne stúirtheoir d'thuras.
And of the process, Pól says: I found it a challenge initially to invent a narrative structue but once I saw the train smoke outside the window of the Lumiere clip I had an idea which then grew. I enjoyed playing around with these beautiful clips.