In the third year of the Rathmullan Film Challenge, amateur filmmakers were given 15 pieces of film from the UTV Archive and creative and editing training from Póca Productions. The task was to create a completely new piece, telling an original story – this year, as Gaelige.
Ciara McElroy’s beautiful film is a contrasting piece; footage of ordinary life but with a poem about daily magical elements that we don't see.
Piosa scannáin de ghnáthshaol ach le dán faoi ghnéithe draíochtúla laethúla nach bhfeicimid.
Of her work, Ciara says: When I watched the archival footage I loved looking into the past. It gave me inspiration to think about our history and our stories. I chose to write a poem about Irish belief in fairies and mythology because they are stories that have been passed down from generations before us. When editing the film, I wanted to have contrasting images of everyday mundane Irish life but with the hidden undertone that magic be a part of the piece.
Nuair a d’amharc mé ar na píosaí scannáin chartlainne bhain mé taitneamh as breathnú ar an am atá caite. Thug sé inspioráid dom smaoineamh ar ár stair agus ar ár scéalta.Roghnaigh mé dán a scríobh faoi chreideamh na hÉireann i sióga agus miotaseolaíocht mar gur scéalta iad a cuireadh ar aghaidh chugainn ó ghlúin go glúin. Nuair a bhí mé ag déanamh eagarthóireachta ar an scannán bhí mé ag iarraidh íomhánna codarsnacha de ghnáthshaol laethúil na hÉireann a bheith agam ach bhí bonn ceilte na draíochta mar chuid den phíosa.