In the third year of the Rathmullan Film Challenge, amateur filmmakers were given 15 pieces of film from the UTV Archive and creative and editing training from Póca Productions. The task was to create a completely new piece, telling an original story – this year, as Gaelige.
Maria Coleman and the community of Áislann Rann na Feirste created these three very short films that still managed to come within the three minute limit put on the piece.
Maria says:
Three short films that take you somewhere else for a wee minute.
Trí ghearrscannán a thógann áit inteacht eile thú ar feadh bomaite beag.
This was a collaboration. As director, I chose three short visual stories, and from there, each of us imagined a world to tell you about.
Comhoibriú a bhí ann. Mar stiúrthóir, roghnaigh mé trí ghearrscéal físe, agus as sin, shamhlaigh gach duine againn scéal le hinsint duit.