A report for Good Evening Ulster on a press conference
given by the Workers' Party during the election campaign resulting from the
mass resignation of Unionist MPs in protest at the Anglo-Irish Agreement. The
Workers' Party started off as Sinn Fein and was the political wing of the
original, or official, IRA. Following the Provisional IRA's split from the
movement, the Official IRA called a permanent ceasefire in 1972 and its version
of Sinn Fein eventually renamed itself as the Workers' Party, advocating a
Marxist/Leninist political agenda.
As the report shows,
the Party supports the Agreement but opposes both the nationalist and Unionist
stances on it. Speaking at the conference is Dessie O'Hagan, a former member of
the Official IRA in his youth and now a socialist committed to working-class
interests. Speaking on camera he tells Norman Stockton of his party's support
for non-sectarian cross-community politics. This is also backed up by party
member Seamus Lynch.